Nano-GPT have agreed for us to offer 15 XNO on an account using their brand new Gift Accpunts feature (coming soon) - to the lucky minter who bags MOUNTAIN BOT from the Nano Bots collection!
Nano-GPT is a GPT-4 powered chatbot that can be used without a monthly subscription, but instead you pay a small fee per message. Nano-GPT can answer your questions, create amazing images, help you learn new skills and much more. In fact, we created the background for MOUNTAIN BOT using their image generation service (now integrated into Nanswap Art). They have multiple GPT models to choose from and will be adding new ones regularly, so you always have access to the most state-of-the-art models available. Users can add funds to their wallet and pay per message or image generated. No subscription, no minimum, no hidden fees. You can withdraw your funds at any time for free. And a side note, if you're concerned about privacy, all of your conversations and generated images are stored on your device only. They don't store any data on their servers.